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The Balancing Act: Modern Women With the Same Drive, Different Lifestyle

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The Modern, Busy Woman With a Full Load

Heading to the other end of the spectrum, there are women who set their goals, accomplish them, work in various industries, run businesses and prefer both a spouse and children.

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In fact, it takes an effort to divide the time between the many obligations which usually cannot be done equally.

Check out some of these real life quotes from the modern, busy woman:

“Seemed like there was never enough time to deliver quality to either [family & work], so I would cannibalize time for myself to meet family and work commitments which weren’t sustainable long-term.”

We’ll call this force of a wife, mother and leader of her industry, “Carla.” 

She also went on to say that she later figured out that it’s okay to say, “no” and to build time for herself into her schedule so that coping with whatever came her way was possible.

Another wife, mother, full-time career woman and business owner, “Holly,” also made it crystal clear that at times having multiple irons in the fire can become overwhelming making you want to quit. But in times like these, remember the goal at hand.

“The biggest challenge was staying focused on the “why” of it all. I know I was born to pursue my passions, but the struggle to continue the pursuit in the midst of life’s challenges is the balancing act for me. When I begin to feel overwhelmed and want to give up, I remember my “why” and I push through!”

I, for one, can agree that remaining encouraged by the significance for meeting the goal is usually the driving force to keep you on track or get you back on in case you’ve fallen off.

The dimensions of career women with families in both the traditional and non-traditional sense are of great variety. I have had the pleasure of meeting and building friendships with amazing women who are happily single without children and of course those with adventurous families at home keeping them on their toes like the two ladies quoted above.

The balancing act is not exclusive to women who have helped build their families. Some women do not want children and others do not want marriage and I respect that. None of us are aligned with one school of thought 100% when it comes to being a woman so yes, I respect their choices.


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Auketria is a full-time working mom and author with a passion for modern relationships and she dips in hair care education once in a while. When she's not contributing, she's working on penning new books and booking clients for her writing consultation business - On Writer's Block. Grab a copy of her books on Amazon: MISSION STATEMENT: Aiming to bring readers the latest in hair care & hair styling trends while provoking fun-healthy debates about your favorite relationship topics.


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