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Is What’s Good for the Goose Really Good for the Gander?

Is What’s Good for the Goose Really Good for the Gander?

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Let me begin by saying that, “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” is a cliché I grew up hearing my grandmother quote. Here’s the “official” definition from Merriam-Webster , if you will, of the popular idiom:

Certainly, you grew up hearing your grandmother or your great aunt quoting it, too.

Simply put – if you can do it, I can do it too is all it means. Recently, photos appeared on the young beauty’s Instagram showing her lip locked with a gentleman that looked nothing like Sean Combs, obviously.

Readers/followers were floored at the sudden “glow-up” but many were celebratory, nonetheless. Some thought it was pretty swift of a move-on after a break up while others felt it doesn’t matter as long as the relationship was dissolved beforehand.

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Now, here’s the more interesting part – Mr. Combs is said to have an issue with some speculated overlapping between the ending and beginning of the two relationships. Many people who have watched this man have intermittent relationships with others while very much with Cassie over the last decade laughed at his concerns about:

1.) An overlapping timeline and 2.) The identity of her new love interest (a formerly hired trainer of Sean’s).

Essentially, he feels betrayed. Well you don’t say.

Now that I have explained this, I want to get to what I really intended to get to and that is how men and women operate differently when approaching a breakup or after a breakup, and how the rules of engagement are expectedly so different for both genders.

Disclaimer: This is from the perspective of “usually” not “all of the time.”

Case in Point:

Usually when something shifts in a relationship that leads to its demise, 9 times out of 10, the man of the relationship has already honed in on another love interest so that when his relationship dissolves, he is not left to be alone. There’s no purgatory for healing, self-evaluation, cleansing spiritually or emotionally, or any of that in most circumstances.

The pursuit of someone else has already started before a breakup and while the relationship with whomever is headed to a concluding phase, he’s likely been conversing, or actually already dating, a new interest. Overlapping, no? Absolutely overlapping! Is it right? I suppose that part is debatable, but like my old boss used to say, “it’s funky, but its fair”, eh not so much, but I digress.

The majority of women, on the other hand, operate differently when headed for and after a breakup. Women will vent to their closest girlfriend, reflect, likely cry, self-evaluate and amongst many other self-improvements and releases, take a dating hiatus before entering into anything new. Why? Because sis wants to heal, she wants to be okay, for sure.

She doesn’t want to use a new interest as a band-aid for an open wound but, rather, doctor on the wound and allow it to fully heal and close so that she’s not carrying any hindering baggage into anything new and to be sure she has overcome any ideas to turn back.

She doesn’t want to use a new interest as a band-aid for an open wound but, rather, doctor on the wound and allow it to fully heal and close so that she’s not carrying any hindering baggage into anything new and to be sure she has overcome any ideas to turn back.Click To Tweet
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Auketria is a full-time working mom and author with a passion for modern relationships and she dips in hair care education once in a while. When she's not contributing, she's working on penning new books and booking clients for her writing consultation business - On Writer's Block. Grab a copy of her books on Amazon: MISSION STATEMENT: Aiming to bring readers the latest in hair care & hair styling trends while provoking fun-healthy debates about your favorite relationship topics.


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